Tuesday, March 13, 2012

My Heroes Have Always Been Persians

Well, not really. My first heroes were of the classic Western type; then they became the type who could leap tall buildings in a single bound; and, then they were private investigators. At a point around the turn of the century my adulations shifted east and Persian Christians became my heroes. Over the past twelve years I’ve spent time with many Iranian Christians who have endured incredible hardships and persecution for their faith. Persecution is something we Americans talk about but is not something to which we can easily relate. I do not personally know any Anglo-Americans who have been jailed, beaten or killed for being a Christian.

Just last week I was privileged to lead a team to a foreign country where Iranian believers have taken refuge in order to train and prepare to take the Gospel into Iran. Many of these courageous men and women will start house churches and risk their lives to reach Muslims with the true story of God’s salvation. As a team we spent several hours each day with these people and the sad reality is that we will likely never see them again. They will wrap up their training and follow God’s leadership in what can only described as a true New Testament lifestyle. Much like Paul some will be jailed and some could even be killed. But they will all make a life-altering difference in Iran. Iranians will receive the Gospel story and find true faith in Jesus Christ. And it will all be worth it.

These people are my heroes. They know a lot more about picking up a cross and following Jesus than I ever will. They believe risking one’s life is what loving God is all about. And you know what? They are right. My heroes really are Persian Christians after all!

Michael McCullar